izz ad-din al-qassam|izz ad-din al-qassams in English


(1882-1935) Syrian sheikh who was educated at Al-Azhar University

Use "izz ad-din al-qassam|izz ad-din al-qassams" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "izz ad-din al-qassam|izz ad-din al-qassams" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "izz ad-din al-qassam|izz ad-din al-qassams", or refer to the context using the word "izz ad-din al-qassam|izz ad-din al-qassams" in the English Dictionary.

1. The death of the Shaykh Izz ad-Din al-Qassam at the hands of the British police near Jenin in November 1935 generated widespread outrage and huge crowds accompanied Qassam's body to his grave in Haifa.

2. In the 13th century, Nasir al-Din Tusi (Nasireddin) made advances in spherical trigonometry.

3. Al jizah (Al jizah) Bur Sa`id (Bur Sa`id) 173.76: Suez (As Suways) Al Mahallah al Kubra (Al Gharbiyah) 173.68: Luxor (Qina) Asyut (Asyut) 221.66: Al Mansurah (Ad Daqahliyah) Tanta (Al Gharbiyah) 45.71: Al Fayyum (Al Fayyum) Az Zaqaziq (Ash Sharqiyah) 156.65: Ismailia (Al Isma`iliyah) Kafr ad Dawwar (Al Buhayrah) 213.43: Aswan (Aswan) Qina (Qina

4. Zahir al-Din Muhammad, the 16th century Central Asian prince better known as Babur…

5. In July 1920, Prime Minister Ala al-Din Droubi appointed him Minister of the interior.

6. Babur Being Entertained in Ghazni, from the Baburnama, the memoirs of Ẓahīr al-din Muhammad.Public Domain

7. Babur was born Zahir al-Din Muhammad on February 15, 1483, in Fergana (now in Uzbekistan)

8. Din 2017 până în prezent președinte al Bundestagului este Wolfgang Schäuble ().

9. The Mongols later executed the Assassins' Grand Master, Imam Rukn al-Dun Khurshah, who had briefly succeeded 'Ala al-Din Muhammad from 1255-1256.

10. Un Admirator al teroristului din Norvegia, Anders Breivik, a fost arestat, in Cehia, dupa ce politia a descoperit, in apartamentul sau din Ostrava, un adevarat arsenal de arme

11. The learned Arabic weekly magazine al-Hādira [the Capital] was founded in 1888 by companions and followers of the reforming Beylical minister Khair al-Din

12. 1838 – 1897 Political activist Jamal al-Din al-Afghani was a political activist and writer, perhaps best known for his role in the Pan-Islamic movement.

13. The Ghurid Sultan Mu'izz al-Din Muhammad began a systematic war of expansion into north India in 1173.

14. This attack caused some disruption in the Muslim Ayyubid empire, especially as the current sultan, Al-Malik as-Salih Najm al-Din Ayyub, was on his deathbed.

15. Bahrain (în arabă ‏البحرين al-Baḥrayn; în persană ‏بحرین Bahreyn), ortografiat în trecut și Bahrein, oficial Regatul Bahrain (arabă مملكة البحرين, Mamlakat al-Ba ḥ rayn, literal: „Regatul celor Două Mări”), este o țară insulară independentă și suverană din Orientul Mijlociu, care cuprinde un arhipelag format din 33 de insule din sudul Golfului

16. She has worked as a cartoonist for Al-Dustour, Rose al-Yūsuf and Sabah El Kheir, and has illustrated for Qatr El Nada, Alaa-El Din and Bassem.

17. Termenul de Achernar, uneori ortografiat Akhenar provine din arabă: آخر النهر Akhir al Nahr, care semnifică „sfârșitul râului”; (constelația Eridanul reprezintă fluviul eponim din Mitologia greacă Eridan

18. However, Jalal ad-Din was overwhelmed and crushed by Chormaqan's army sent by the Great Khan Ögedei in 1231.

19. Adding Accelerants to AD systems is an excellent method to intensify the decomposition of organic matter, stimulate microorganism activity, increase biogas output, and maintain stability of AD process (Baniamerian et al., 2019, Chen et al., 2020, Zhang et al., 2017).

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